Suppliers teaching suppliers since 1989
If you are a BAMA member company and are interested in renewing your membership or a new, approved BAMA Member for FY2025, please review the commitment letter which you should have received via email. If you do not have it, you can download it by clicking the red icon below. After reviewing the letter, please fill out the Statement of Commitment below.
By completing the below Statement of Commitment you are agreeing to the terms of BAMA FY2025 Membership.
If you do not plan renew your BAMA membership, please let us know by sending an email to
BAMA Members are welcome to pay their BAMA dues via credit card.
Please make a separate payment for each BAMA Member Plant Location.
If you prefer - you can mail a check, for each Member Plant location, to
P.O. Box 646
Saline, MI 48176
SOC Letter
BAMA Members are welcome to pay their BAMA dues via credit card.
Please make a separate payment for each BAMA Member Plant Location.
If you prefer - you can mail a check, for each Member Plant location, to
P.O. Box 646
Saline, MI 48176